DWJ March: Favourite Main Character

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Kathleen from Dogsbody

I had to think about this one a bit, but I’m going to go with my gut feelings.

  1. Polly from Fire and Hemlock
  2. Kathleen from Dogsbody
  3. Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle

There, that one was quick and easy, wasn’t it?

2 responses to this post.

  1. I definitely considered both Polly and Kathleen when I was thinking about this. They’re not your typical characters and they go through a lot more than, say, Howl. Good choices!


  2. When thinking about this for myself, I realised how evenly divided Jones’ best female and male characters are in terms of my favourites. I see you’ve gone all for girls, which is totally understandable, because all three are excellent main characters, and they all grow and change through their novels.


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