The Au Pair

The Au PairThe Au Pair by Emma Rous

My rating: 3 of 5 stars (7/10)

The first person present tense had me worried at first, but it’s only half the book as there are two POV characters and the other one is first person past tense.

In the end, I liked it a lot at the start and devoted both ends of the mystery, but was disappointed at the end. I wasn’t sure why, thinking it was the lack of resolution about one character and what she did or didn’t do. Later, I checked my Feedly and SBTB had a review. The reviewer said her problem was also with the end, that the revelation wasn’t executed well and was needlessly complicated. Also that she had guessed the answer. I agree that there were only so many variations on what happened and who was who. Roux got me to change my mind on which combination to go with a couple of times, but overall there weren’t any surprises. This is a first novel and shows Emma Roux has a lot of potential, and hopefully she can only improve.

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